Sunday, August 21, 2005

It really is Who you know....

A few years ago I forgot to get my car inspected during the month it was due and, as you might expect, I was pulled over one day because the windshield sticker was out of date. As the officer looked over my documents, I rather innocently asked if a friend of mine was on duty that day. This friend has been on the force for quite a number of years, so is pretty well known by all the other officers.

Can you guess what happened next?

Yep...he handed my documents back and said, "Please have your car inspected as soon as possible." Well, I thanked him for the warning and drove away also thanking God that I had a friend on the police force!

It's a good thing to have someone on your side...especially when you mess up!

Believe it or not, God is alot like my police officer friend. Here's what He says about His Son, Jesus:

"Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, and I am pleased with him. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will reveal justice to the nations." (Isaiah 42:1)

The part there about "justice" means that He's on your side, ready to help when you're not treated fairly or someone takes advantage of you.

Or even when you totally screw up.

He's not up there looking to zap you every time you make a mistake or a bad decision. No, He really wants you to succeed in life, and wants to show you the right way to go, so you will! In fact, another writer in the Bible named Paul puts it this way:

If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31).

When He speaks to us, His messages will often reflect the fact that He is on our side, pulling for us to succeed, and wanting to help us avoid the mistakes that will keep us from that goal. Many other voices will discourage you...His voice will always encourage you.

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