Sadness + (n) = Happiness
I used to hate algebra class. Maybe that's why I take such perverse pleasure in expressing this next change factor as an equation: sadness + (n) = happiness.
"Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Mt. 5:4
Say what? Happiness is not what we expect to find when we're mourning! I mean, when you're sad, you're sad. Where's the happiness in that?
Ah, but look again at the equation above. See the (n) thingy after the plus sign? That's what the math geeks call an "unknown variable." Apparently, once you solve the equation and figure out what that unknown is, it all magically comes together and makes sense (or so I'm told....I hate algebra, remember?).
Now in this case, we have a clue about the unknown's right there at the end of the verse. Jesus says we'll be comforted when we're sad, and that's what's supposed to make it all better.
Keep in mind that we're talking about embracing change here...and change can definitely cause us to be sad and mourn. That's because when we go through changes, there's usually something or someone we leave behind, or lose, or even die to. Sadness would be a perfectly natural response during times like that.
Jesus described it like this:
"If anyone wants to follow me, he must say no to himself. He must pick up his cross and follow me." Mt. 16:24
God knows this is probably one of the most difficult commandments we humans will ever face, yet face it we must. It's simply unavoidable. To follow Jesus means great change--you cannot follow someone and stay where you are. Thus His changes will always cause us to die in some way to ourselves. That's why He uses the graphic image of carrying your own cross, the instrument of death.
To help us cope with this constant flow of change and resultant death to self, the Lord wisely provides us with the only effective remedy available: His precious Holy Spirit. One of His names is "Comforter," because that's exactly what He does for us (see John 14:6). He causes us to know and experience the unending, unconditional love Father God has for us. He opens our eyes to see how all these changes are actually transforming us, making us more like Jesus. He brings us great encouragement and strength to not give up. He gives us joy and happiness in the midst of our mourning.
Call on Him today if you're feeling a little down or sad because of all the changes going on in your life. Worship the Lord and ask Him to draw you into His presence...He can change your perspective in a moment! You shall be comforted, just as He promised.
Remember, any sacrifice we make for Him is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made for us.
"Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Mt. 5:4
Say what? Happiness is not what we expect to find when we're mourning! I mean, when you're sad, you're sad. Where's the happiness in that?
Ah, but look again at the equation above. See the (n) thingy after the plus sign? That's what the math geeks call an "unknown variable." Apparently, once you solve the equation and figure out what that unknown is, it all magically comes together and makes sense (or so I'm told....I hate algebra, remember?).
Now in this case, we have a clue about the unknown's right there at the end of the verse. Jesus says we'll be comforted when we're sad, and that's what's supposed to make it all better.
Keep in mind that we're talking about embracing change here...and change can definitely cause us to be sad and mourn. That's because when we go through changes, there's usually something or someone we leave behind, or lose, or even die to. Sadness would be a perfectly natural response during times like that.
Jesus described it like this:
"If anyone wants to follow me, he must say no to himself. He must pick up his cross and follow me." Mt. 16:24
God knows this is probably one of the most difficult commandments we humans will ever face, yet face it we must. It's simply unavoidable. To follow Jesus means great change--you cannot follow someone and stay where you are. Thus His changes will always cause us to die in some way to ourselves. That's why He uses the graphic image of carrying your own cross, the instrument of death.
To help us cope with this constant flow of change and resultant death to self, the Lord wisely provides us with the only effective remedy available: His precious Holy Spirit. One of His names is "Comforter," because that's exactly what He does for us (see John 14:6). He causes us to know and experience the unending, unconditional love Father God has for us. He opens our eyes to see how all these changes are actually transforming us, making us more like Jesus. He brings us great encouragement and strength to not give up. He gives us joy and happiness in the midst of our mourning.
Call on Him today if you're feeling a little down or sad because of all the changes going on in your life. Worship the Lord and ask Him to draw you into His presence...He can change your perspective in a moment! You shall be comforted, just as He promised.
Remember, any sacrifice we make for Him is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made for us.
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