Monday, December 05, 2005

Losing the Connection, part 3

There's one more possible reason why we may find it difficult to hear what God is saying to us, and it's described for us by the prophet Isaiah:

But there is a problem--your sins have cut you off from God. Because of your sin, he has turned away and will not listen anymore. (Isaiah 59:2)

When we deliberately disobey God and do what He's told us not to do (think 10 Commandments), He calls that "sin." And one of the unfortunate consequences of sin is that it separates us from Him.

Our sin becomes like a wall through which no communication is possible...until we agree with God that we've messed up, and ask His forgiveness.

Maybe this is why you haven't been hearing from Him lately. If so, do the right thing--tell Him you're sorry for hurting Him through your disobedience and ask Him to help you turn away from your sin.

If you do, He promises to not only to forgive you, but to restore the lost connection you've been esperiencing with Him. For more on this, check out the first letter of John in the Bible, chapter 1 and verses 5 through 10.

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